I am curious - when you walk out the door in the morning, what do you put in your pockets?

For example, I keep my cell phone (the HTC Incredible) in my right front pocket and my wallet and keys in my left front pocket. I keep nothing in my back pockets.

Despite the indestructible gorilla glass that adorns the Incredible, I make sure my keys at least two thighs away from my phone.

So, what's your setup?

A mobile geek patiently awaits replies...


knappdaddy said...

I normally keep my lenovo thinkpad in a fanny pack, but hate when it bumps into the push-2-talk phone i have in my belt holdster and makes me spill coffee all over my L.L. Bean pleated chinos.

Unknown said...

Like this guy, the denim on my back pocket is worn out from keeping my lenovo back there.

Ido said...

btw, knapdaddy, can you please return my LL Bean catalog you borrowed, I saw some nice plaided shirts I wanted to order by phone before winter is upon us.

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