On my short morning walk to the 4/5 train today, I had the epiphany - to keep my mind sharp well into my 100's, I want to start working on the crossword puzzle a few times a week. Your mind is a muscle (I hope the doctors reading this don't take that too literally) and to stay focused, you must exercise that muscle. I figured attempting he crossword puzzle would be a decent idea. I used to love working on crossword puzzles in highschool and its time to re-incorporated it into my semi-daily routine.

While on 85th st, one block away from the subway, I bet myself that I could (or couldn't - depends which side you are on) download, mid-stride, a crossword puzzle app on my Android phone, install it and read the first clue before I enter the dead zone - the NYC subway system. Down four flights of stairs, where the 4/5 train is, expect no internet, no email, no text messages - I am as radio silent as the Viet Cong hiding in the jungle in 1971. Although I read, almost daily, on my kindle I want to change up my acitivites every few days. As it happens, the 4, 5 and 6 trains were delayed this morning (the train stopped at 86th st, in mid-air mind you, reversed direction, blocking any incoming trains, and slowly disappeared, defying the laws of physics). I was forced to spend an extra 20 minutes in enemy territory with no form of communication - deadly to a mobile geek. Luckily, I won (or lost) my bet and time flew by as I happily struggled through my first crossword puzzle in a few years.

PS For those interested the app is called Shortyz Crosswords and can be found in the Android Marketplace by searching for "crossword."


Anonymous said...

Good find on the App Iman

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