A resounding victory for Android. I can't say I am that surprised though. Given the pace of Android adoption, at the rate of 200,00 activations per day as mentioned recently by Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, the sloooow evolution of the Blackberry OS, and the death grip that Apple is beholden to in the form of an exclusive contract with AT&T, it is no surprise that 54% of those polled expressed willingness to hand over their third screen to a green little robot.

If, and yes I say if, Apple releases a Verizon iPhone (call me skeptical until I see it in stores with my own  eyes), would I be swayed by the swath of Apple Fan Boys and toss the green robot for a partially-eaten fruit?

A while back I debated the merits of both operating systems with a droid fanatic and a dear friend, Dave, who is getting married this weekend - Congrats Dave and Michelle! At the time, I exclaimed that Apple was the tits (to use his terminology), and yes, that's a good thing; Dave, of course, believed Google's concoction to be superior. After tinkering with Android for the past few months, and having jailbroken and unlocked an original iPhone, its now clear to me that Android is a much more powerful operating system than iOS. I think Google and others who develop for Android have a long way to go before Android is as intuitive as Apple's, but the core of Android (I believe its linux), is a better platform from which to dominate the mobile market. Time is ticking before exclusivity runs out so I suggest tightening up Android before releasing an ever expanding list of features. More on this in a follow-up post.


Unknown said...

Read an article today that a study found that people in their 20's using iphones have more satisfying and a larger # of sexual partners than users of any other platform. Something to consider for those of us not getting married on Saturday.

Ido said...

well, the iphone definitely has sex appeal. the google phone is just a geek's version of a wet dream.
but i guess that explains a lot. add the link so others can read it -not that it matters, but id love to see how rigorous that survey was.
Q: Do you own an iphone?
A: Yes
Q: How many women have you been with?
A: umm, 300, maybe 350...i lost count.
maybe people who own iphones are better liars : )

Unknown said...


I was incorrect, its people in their 30's.

Unknown said...

I think Pearson owns the rights to that image... I'll have the contact you immediately for payment.

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